Good Stuff!


GBL001-WorldsLargestWrapParty_BeforeAndAfters-Green Background-1Ever since I had the boys my life has been a busy whirl wind, between them and my career and I barely have a moment to breath!  I know that I have taken no time to take care of myself and my PCOS the way I need to.  I set out on a mission to research products that could help me not only with weight loss but to live the healthy life style that I desire.  During my research efforts I stumbled across a fabulous woman in a twin group who turned me on to these products, I’m telling you girls-they are great!  Now, I don’t want it to seem like I am peddling and don’t want my blog to turn in to that but I have found a natural solution to many of my ailments!  The wraps are just the beginning!  I use the fat fighters which help block fats and carbs, something PCOS turns in to sugar in our bodies messing up our insulin.  Greens provide a good boost of healthy antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, I can go on…..

PLEASE check out my site:  Let me know if you have any questions!  You can also email me at

About thepcosandinfertilityjourney

For almost two years I have felt so down and alone trying to maintain a normal and happy life since I realized that my husband and I would struggle to create a family. I began to second guess everything in my life, have I done the right things, made the right choices, is it my job, is it where I live, what is it and what can I do to make it better? Then, one night while laying in bed it hit me, and the words just started flowing. I have always loved writing and when I was little always wanted to be an author but never had the inspiration of something to write about; now I do. I am going to share my story, my struggles, my hopes, my fears, my triumphs in the hope that it will help someone else going through the same rollercoaster that I am the way many books, blogs, and chats have helped me cope. I will share with you how I am determined to make sure that one of my life’s dreams are not shot down and the obstacles I go through to get there.

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